

We take pride in the quality of the training courses we provide and aim to consistently maintain the highest standards which we have set ourselves over the years

Ngoboyi Training International (NTI), a SETA accredited and BEE company, has built a comprehensive reputation for delivering cutting edge business to business events that match international industry standards on every level. Based in Johannesburg, NTI maintains an extensive portfolio of business development, organizational consulting and training products which include:
• Conferences
• Corporate sponsorship and hospitality
• Exhibitions and
• Tailored corporate training.

NTI also maintains a fully-fledged network of partnerships across Africa which allows the organisation to be strategically positioned to penetrate and deliver high quality development services across the African markets. 


Over the years we have focused on being strategically aligned on fine tuning the most effective dissemination of business information to niche and specialized markets. 

NTI has built a vast variety of industry relationships that allow us to creatively leverage off the best-of-breed solutions and expertise so as to continuously offer our clientele and partners the very best in business information, knowledge and skills transfer.

We take pride in the quality of the training courses we provide and aim to consistently maintain the highest standards which we have set ourselves over the years. All our courses are available for in-house facilitation on request for our client’s convenience. We offer a variety of high class opportunities to co-host events by conducting public programmes in any African country of client’s choice. Cost effective solutions to clients’ training needs are available to groups of people from the same institution or country.


To be the leading provider of core business competencies in Africa in all fields of self-development and human resources development for private and public sectors.


Our corporate mission is to continually offer relevant and quality business services, skills and development interventions that enhance the knowledge and competencies of our clients. We strive to educate, inspire, nurture and assist our clients to grow as individuals and companies, ensuring a holistic approach to value-added client and business development services.



No matter how good our services, processes and performance, we are dedicated to continually improve our service and maintaining this focus allows us to meet and exceed our client expectations.

Promise Delivery

We set ourselves high goals because of our belief that we can do and achieve great standards. We treat these goals as promises to our clients and ourselves. NTI aims to be highly flexible so that we deliver on our promises at all times.


We are committed to total quality management and our clients come first. We are committed to being a Customer Centric Organisation.


We thrive on creativity and ingenuity in the systems and technologies we select and employ. We are always looking for new ways to do things.


We are dedicated to the environment and maintaining lasting, mutually beneficial relationships in all aspects of our business.
To customers, we are committed to providing quality services that consistently represent an outstanding value and resulting in high customer satisfaction.
To the community, we are committed to improving the environment through the services we sell and how we conduct our business.
To employees, we are committed to offering a rewarding workplace that encourages mutual respect, communication, openness to challenge, and the opportunity for both personal and professional growth.
To our partners, we are committed to creating value and consistently delivering outstanding relationships.